Author: Melanie

Celebrating my uniqueness
October 14, 2019

Lightning oracle card The Corn oracle card Beauty Way oracle card The Rainmaker oracle card The Drum oracle card The Sacrifice oracle...

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I am a Metaphorist
March 13, 2019

It came to me in a dream. Yesterday, my husband and I were going over the what-do-I-call-myself routine which I seem to revisit every now and then seeing as I'm never quite happy...

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Being the arbiter of truth
June 23, 2018

When you are the arbiter of truth it is up to you decide who is wrong or right, what is up or down. It is as if a great weight is lifted from your need to be good and handed to...

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Studying | Masters of Arts in Writing
October 1, 2017

Hey there! My name is Melanie and I'm studying a masters of writing online with Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia as part of a larger research project I have...

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We Are All Living Masters
August 15, 2016

____________________________________________ Excerpt From My Writing for Sibella Magazine Most of us know about Ascended Masters. Legendary figures like Kuan Shih Yin and Maitreya...

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